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Maharah Coding School


Project Name


A web platform that provides a comprehensive guide to e-payment methods available in various stores and markets. The goal of this platform is to facilitate the electronic payment process for citizens and provide a reliable source for searching for the appropriate payment method for them


The lack of a unified guide to payment methods for stores, and the difficulty of finding the appropriate payment method with the desire of store owners to display the payment services they provide.


PayZone platform is an electronic guide to payment methods to find the appropriate methods in stores.

Features and benefits

-Easy to use platform
-Responsive interface design with various devices
-Enhancing e-payment
-Support stores in promoting their services
-Reducing confusion due to multiple payment methods.


The lack of a unified guide to payment methods for stores, and the difficulty of finding the appropriate payment method with the desire of store owners to display the payment services they provide.


PayZone platform is an electronic guide to payment methods to find the appropriate methods in stores.

الخصائص والمزايا

-Easy to use platform
-Responsive interface design with various devices
-Enhancing e-payment
-Support stores in promoting their services
-Reducing confusion due to multiple payment methods.

Team Name

Code hazard

The team showed creativity and dedication in creating a web platform that provides a comprehensive guide to electronic payment methods. Through their active presence and constant participation in the school, the team aims to facilitate financial transactions for citizens and provide a reliable platform that helps in choosing appropriate e-payment methods, which contributes to strengthening the digital economy and improving the shopping experience.

Team Members

Nour Zuhdi

AlMadani Kilani

Ahmida Abbas